Gender Salon: Let's talk about sex - but differently!
Wow what an event yesterday; although it was our first event, there were about 70 people in the Glockenbachwerkstatt yesterday, the room was filled to the brim and the atmosphere was great!
So thank you for listening, thank you for all the questions, thank you for your inspiration and ideas, thank you for all the feedback, thank you to everyone who is interested in a circle of supporters, thank you for all the conversations afterwards and thank you for all the feedback!
Here is the announcement text of the event:
This is about sex. Because let's be honest - few things are surrounded by as many myths, expectations and insecurities as sexuality. Sex is present everywhere you look, however at the same time it is extremely stigmatised and determined by normative concepts. We want this to change. So, let's talk about how different norms and pigeonhole thinking confronts all genders with different expectations. About how the capitalist idea of performance affects our sexual performance - and why the hell we talk about sexual performance anyway! About how consensual sexuality can actually be lived, what challenges are involved and what all this has to do with a different perspective on society in the context of solidary negotiation processes, communication and encounter. About how porn can be really beautiful but also really bad. About the fact that sexuality doesn't have to be something static, but that there can be a way of dealing with contradictions and uncertainties. About what we actually really want when we have sex. About what exactly stops us from doing so. Because sex can enrich life on so many levels. But for that, we need more spaces to talk about sex freely and without shame. That's why our guests today created a collective called “Consent Calling” in Munich; to address these and all other topics surrounding sex. The collective tries to approach these discourses openly, honestly, (power-)critically and with a lot of sex positivity. In the next few months, they will start a crowdfunding and if successful, a feminist and queer sex shop will soon open in Munich - but it will be much more than that. Namely a space for feminist agitation, exchange and education, with a library and a diverse range of workshops. But first they talk to us about what sex actually has to do with feminism and a critique of patriarchy and why we should normalise talking about sex.