Workshop: Feminist Thinking - Feminist Acting

Workshop: Feminist Thinking - Feminist Acting

Workshop: feministisch denken -feministisch handeln

As part of the workshop week "Gib uns" from 27.-31. December of the “Freiräume” collective we held a a workshop on the topic "Feminist Thinking - Feminist Acting".

“Freiräume” is a collective that is campaigning for more free spaces in Munich. It is about the activation of public space, about emancipatory urban development, about access to open spaces for everyone. The focus of the collectives’ work are non-commercial events and projects which take the slogan "City for everyone" radically seriously and implement it in a self-managed and solidary way.
Gentrification, privatization, displacement, a lack of affordable housing - the collective deals with all of those topics and fights for a society in which the existance for spaces is not dependent on economic constraints. They try to get Munich to finally create more space for alternative, revolutionary and community projects, initiatives, raves, as well as cultural and political movements.

You can probably imagine how important this work is for us as a collective, which does not strive for commercial profit. Skills-sharing, creating safer spaces, promoting subculture - this is what we care about and that's exactly why this workshop week was initiated, especially for newly emerging collectives. The aim is to learn from each other and to network. There were workshops on the subject of awareness, booking, technology, freedom of art, intermediary uses and much more.

We think it's great that education in terms of content is also emphasized, in order to guarantee solidarity with one another. That's why in our workshop we dealt with how non-commercially oriented and emancipatory collectives can establish a basic feminist consensus. And we have dealt with what the central pillars of current feminist discourses are and how these can be put into practice.