Consent Calling

Feminist City - Leslie Kern (2020)

Feminist City – Leslie Kern (2020)

„Eine feministische Stadt müsste eine Stadt sein, in der Hindernisse – physisch und soziale – abgebaut werden, in der alle Körper willkommen und versorgt sind.“ Das Buch Feminist City legt einen feministischen Blick auf die Planung von Städten und Räumen. Fragen wie, wer gestaltet Städte, wie werden sie aufgebaut, wer hat ein Recht auf Platz…
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Was war die letzten Monate so los?

An den Prozessen der letzten Monate möchten wir euch teilhaben lassen, denn es war einiges los, weshalb ihr weniger von uns als sonst gehört habt. Unsere Zeit im Habibi Kiosk im letzten Dezember war unglaublich berauschend und vielfältig. Wir haben dabei gemerkt, wie wichtig es uns ist, einen eigenen Raum für Consent Calling zu haben.…
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Why no thank-yous?

Today we would like to talk about the topic of " thank-yous". Perhaps many of you have already asked yourselves why we don't actually offer any material thank-yous, but "only" symbolic thank-yous. These serve primarily as orientation scales to help you better assess how much money we need for which of our tasks. As we would like to act as transparently as possible in our entire work process, we would like to explain our thoughts behind it...
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The history of Consent Calling

The idea of founding a feminist sex shop in Munich came about in autumn 2020. Sandra was, due to the inspiration of a friend and her participation in a partly very problematic sex education training (pornophobic, (hetero/cis)-normative content), very quickly very fascinated by the idea of creating a place in Munich that negotiates sexuality differently from the way it has been done so far in the dominance society. Soon Sandra found the first interested people, and a first meeting, where big utopias were developed, took place. Since then, a hell of a lot has happened and we have grown on so many levels...
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