Consent Calling - Munich's feminist sex shop collective

A space for education and sex positivity

Consent Calling and positioning matters

Our crowdfunding campaign started on 21.02.2022, the war of aggression in Ukraine on 24.02.2022. For many people this war, in combination with the prevailing stresses of the pandemic, as well as the constant shitty patriarchal and capitalist power and violence structures, reaches a new dimension of strain, fear and despair. This war appears closer and more threatening to many people than other wars, and it is precisely for this reason that many…
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Zwei rosa Cs auf gelbem Hintergrund

Dealing with pressure in our meritocracy

From the first moment it was clear that we wanted to achieve something big with Consent Calling. We had a vision. And it has grown with every meeting. At the same time, everything else has grown: the collective itself, our ideas, our individual projects, the steps we have taken, the number of networking requests from outside, the circle of people who want to support us…
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Zwei lila Cs auf orangem Hintergrund

Aspiration and Reality - A Feminist Sex Shop under Capitalism

The basis for our work in the collective is, of course, that we agree on the most important, essential points. One of them is that we all have a critical attitude towards capitalism, which expresses itself, for example, in the fact that we want to create something together in solidarity, all while paying attention to individual needs, and in an anti-hierarchical way. This attitude should also be reflected…
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Zwei beige Cs auf grünem Hintergrund

Diversity in the core collective

We are aware of the fact that we are privileged in multiple ways: we are white, have an academic background, are endo - i.e. not inter - and are not affected by ableism. We clearly understand that this means a lack of experiences and perspectives. Despite the differences in our sexual orientations, our being queer, forms of relationships, gender identities, sexual biographies, political backgrounds…
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Why no thank-yous?

Today we would like to talk about the topic of " thank-yous". Perhaps many of you have already asked yourselves why we don't actually offer any material thank-yous, but "only" symbolic thank-yous. These serve primarily as orientation scales to help you better assess how much money we need for which of our tasks. As we would like to act as transparently as possible in our entire work process, we would like to explain our thoughts behind it...
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